This is Mr. Hyman's 24th year teaching, his 23rdyear at P.S.101Q in Forest Hills, NY. Mr. Hyman is a permanently certified, tenured teacher and author. Mr. Hyman has his School Building Leadership certification and his New York State Educational Technology Specialist certification. He currently teaches Technology Media Arts to students in grades 1 - 5 and is PS101Q's Promethean Panel and ClassFlow Lead and Certified Teacher.
In September, 2009, Mr. Hyman was named the school's Data Specialist and in February of 2012, Mr. Hyman was named 'Data Specialist of the Month' by the New York City Department of Education. In 2013, Mr. Hyman was nominated by the PS101 parents for NYC's first Big Apple Teacher Awards in 2013, and again in 2014. He received the Excellence in Technology Award at the Inaugural 2014 NYCDoE Technology Summit and also presented his teacher resource book from Scholastic, Managing the Digital Classroom at the Inaugural 2014 NYCDoE Technology Summit.
Before teaching, Mr. Hyman worked in television production and in baseball. From 1996 to early 1997, Mr. Hyman worked as a researcher for the Geraldo Rivera Talk Show in NYC. From March 1997 until October of 2001 Mr. Hyman was a videographer/scout for the New York Mets Baseball Club and for a few of those years, Mr. Hyman worked as a videographer scout and as a teacher until he decided to leave baseball after the 2001 season and turn his attention to teaching full time.
Mr. Hyman graduated from Hofstra University with his B.A. Degree in 1996 and with his Masters Degree in elementary education in 1999. Currently, he teaches Technology Media Arts at PS101Q and published the student yearbook from 2001 to 2007. He was also the Director of Attendance at Hofstra University's Summer Camps from 2002 through 2019..
Mr. Hyman completed the SLAT (School Building Leadership & Technology) program from New York Institute of Technology (December, 2011) and obtained his School Building Leadership certification in 2012. In May, 2013, he received the 2013 Alumni Award from NYIT's School of Education and in July, 2013, he received his Educational Technology Specialist certification.
Mr. Hyman has consulted for Scholastic, Inc., for Interactive White Board technology and lesson development. He has helped to design IWB lessons for teacher resource material and has presented IWB lessons for Scholastic at NBC's Education Nation and the 2012 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) in Philadelphia, PA.
In 2018 Mr. Hyman became a Promethean Evangelist Program teacher member and Production Advisory Board Member for Promethean, Inc. and was a featured teacher presenter at the 2018 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) in Chicago (June, 2018), Philadelphia (June, 2019), Anaheim ISTE Live! (2021) and Promethean's Teacher Appreciation Summit in 2020 and 2021 showcasing lessons and classroom management ideas he's designed on Promethean's ActivPanel with ActivInspire and ClassFlow (Promethean's award winning lesson delivery software). Mr. Hyman most recently presented alongside of Promethean educational consultants at the new York City Department of Education Technology Summit at LaGuardia High School in Manhattan.
Mr. Hyman is the author of Scholastic's Managing the Digital Classroom (2014). For more, visit Adam Hyman's LinkedIn page.
Mr Hyman has also been a guest blogger on several educational technology sites for different educational technology companies. Read his guest blog for the HUE HD Document Camera here. and for Promethean, Inc. here. He's also been featured in several professional articles. Most recently he was featured on the Art Works for Teachers Podcast.

Danielson Framework Domains & Components Addressed on this Page:
1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
1e Designing Coherent Instruction
4d Participating in the Professional Community
4e Growing and Developing Professionally
4f Showing Professionalism
About Mr. Hyman...

A featured teacher presenter for Promethean, Inc. Adam Hyman demonstrates how to use interactive engagement questioning as part of an ActivInspire & ClassFlow lesson at the ISTE Conference in Chicago (June, 2018) and Philadelphia (June, 2019).

Mr. Hyman was nominated for a
NYCDOE Big Apple Award in 2013 and 2014!

Adam Hyman receives the Alumni Award from NYIT in May, 2013!

NYCDoE Tech Summit, 2022 Presentation with Promethean at LaGuardia High School.

Mr. Hyman was named an eSchool News Hero Award Finalist for work his on BEE TV.

Scholastic Teacher Talks Producers Allison Leong and Marci McLarty (L) along with Teacher Talks Host Erik Ryle & special guest presenter Adam Hyman (R). The free webcast will be broadcast on May 15, 2012 and is now available on-demand through Scholastic's website.

During an interactive summit at NYC's Rockefeller Plaza, parents, teachers, and students came together with leaders in politics, business, and technology to discuss the challenges and opportunities in education today. In addition, NBC News turned Rockefeller Plaza into a “Learning Plaza," a series of five galleries, open to the public, which allowed visitors to explore America's educational "ecosystem." During the entire week of September 26th, 2010, NBC News highlighted education stories as wel

Scholastic Teacher Talks Producers Allison Leong and Marci McLarty (L) along with Teacher Talks Host Erik Ryle & special guest presenter Adam Hyman (R). The free webcast will be broadcast on May 15, 2012 and is now available on-demand through Scholastic's website.