Find out what's expected for the grade you want!
Danielson Framework Domains & Components Addressed:
1c Setting Instructional Outcomes
1f Designing Student Assessments
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
2b Establishing a Culture for Learning
2c Managing Classroom Procedures
2d Managing Student Behavior
4c Communicating with Families

Technology Clean Up Rubric
Taking care of the equipmnt is half the battle when your grade comes into play.
Technology Class Participation and Behavior Rubric
Participate and proper behavior in class will earn you high marks for projects and overall report card grades!

Microsoft Publisher Informational Poster Project Rubric
Creating Information Posters can b a great way to show what you know! See how to get a '4' on this project!

Student Designed Website Rubric
Find out how to achieve that perfect grade for a website that you build!
General Media Arts Rubric
Find out how to achieve that perfect grade for any general project that we work on!