
"Dear Colleagues,
I had the pleasure and honor to work with Adam Hyman during the NYS Math scoring process. He shared with me his website that he developed. It is a great resource and tool. Take a look, I’m sure you will agree. Thanks Mr. Hyman for sharing your great works with us!" Helen M. Ponella -Instructional Specialist, MathematicsNYCDOE Cluster 6: N604 and N609
"My name is Shirley and I am a teacher and I am doing some research on math games that my students can play (I am a second grade teacher). I found 'Links on the Go!' to be very helpful, thanks so much :)" Teacher from Massachusetts Teacher's Union
"I love Links On The Go! The games are fun and I get to learn at the same time!"
6th Grade Student
"[After meeting with you during Parent-Teacher Conferences], we wanted to reiterate our appreciation for all your hard work in improving the technology available to students at the school."
6th Grade Parent
"Love your virtual classroom. I have gone to the website in the past because you had a link to a leveled reading book list. I found it useful in figuring out what to buy for gifts, at the library, etc."
4th Grade Paren
"[After meeting with you during Parent-Teacher Conferences], we wanted to reiterate our appreciation for all your hard work in improving the technology available to students at the school."
6th Grade Parent
"Love your virtual classroom. I have gone to the website in the past because you had a link to a leveled reading book list. I found it useful in figuring out what to buy for gifts, at the library, etc."
4th Grade Parent
"We just wanted to thank you for doing such a great job......our boys like your class a lot, and think you are such a nice teacher!! "
4th Grade Parent
"The school made a lot of changes in the past 2 years. All the cluster teachers came with new curriculum and ideas to teach...Mr Hyman introduced a beautiful and fun program in which he approached the Writing, Math or Science skills through Technology Literacy."
5th Grade Parent
Thanks for keeping us so well informed, Mr. Hyman. I am so impressed with your dedication and terrific enthusiasm in building up the knowledge and skills of the students in technology--and for striving to create a better program all around. congratulations on your successes, and for your dynamism. The bulletins are very helpful and keep us all up to date.
PS101 Parent
I'm grateful we have a technology teacher who is so dedicated and inspiring .
Your contribution to the school simply excels.
PS101 Parent
[About SMART Boards] "What an incredible technology! I love its accessibility. I had no idea that there were such advances in classroom teaching. It's very exciting and I can see how it can be transformative. I'm thrilled that you are so on top of the latest technology in teaching. The students are in good hands." 5th Grade Parent
"My name is Jesse, I am a 4th grade teacher at PS 161 in Richmond Hill. We are doing some work for our inquiry team and have been trying to find some listening passages that the students would be unfamiliar with. Your website is amazing and has great resources on it." Jesse Kahn, 4th Grade Teacher at P.S.161
"Mr. Hyman's impact within the school goes above and beyond his role as a teacher. He is responsible for several great initiatives which recently included the coordination and oversight of a "Common Core Curriculum Fair" evening. He is also present at many of the school community meetings and utilizing technology to both stream, share and archive the meetings via UStream for those unable to attend or to review at a later time. Adam has also spearheaded the efforts to utilize Twitter to foster communication within the school community and has included in the Twitter feed retweets from several different content appropriate sources including ASCD, BrainPop, Eyewitness News, Word of the Day, etc. Mr. Hyman deserves to be recognized as an outstanding NYC Public School professional, teacher, evangelist and innovator."
PS101Q Parent